Access specified specified the accessibility of the members.
access specified can be used before a method, constructor, variable, constant, class and other structures.
java can support 4 types of access specifides: 1-public 2-private 3-protected 4-default
the public describes the accessibility as global. that means any one can use public members.
private accessibility is only within the class. the same class members can be access private members.
default: if we will not mention any access specified, as public, private or protected then java compiler identify the access specified as a default. there is no keyword for default accessified. the default member is available/accessible only within the package and outside the package it is private. it means inside package it is public else it is private.
protected is same as Default. but can be accessible through sub class out side of the package.
we can create private, for the inner class not for the class.